
Stomach: What things (not food) sustain this character? What does he hunger for? What is this character seeking to know?

Today was a rough day. It was Christmas, and the Boss invited me into the bunkhouse for the first time. I had a brief moment of surprise and hope. Were things changing? How could I be so stupid! They made a fool of me! They made me fight one of the other ranch hands. To add insult, he wasn't allowed to use his hands to make him "even" with me because of my crooked back! A back that became crooked because I slave away for them!

I will not allow myself to be fooled in this we again! I shall keep my focus on the things that I know really matter to me:  my books, my knowledge, my imagination. I will retreat even further into myself to protect myself from this world. My books are my only source of comfort and hope. 


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